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Robb Pearlman

Biography and Books


Full Name: Robb Pearlman

Robb Pearlman is a #1 New York Times bestselling pop culturalist and author of more than 80 books for grown-ups and kids.

As an industry-leading writer and multifaceted innovative creative, Robb has ideated, written, art directed, and edited books based on his own original concepts. He has also authentically and effectively translated many of the world’s biggest pop culture brands and media properties into bestselling fan-favorite books.

Robb has had successful events and signings at San Diego and New York ComicCons, bookstores and comic book retailers in Los Angeles, New York, and New Jersey. He was featured as an on air commentator in National Geographic Channel’s “Generation X” series, contributed to HuffingtonPost, performed at the Nerdnite Nerdtacular, and has been featured on several pop culture blogs and SiriusXM radio shows. Robb is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers, serves on the Advisory Board of the MS in Publishing Program at Pace University and has served on the Board of Directors of Teachers & Writers Collaborative.

As a publishing professional Robb has acquired and edited a host of pop culture and entertainment books including The Princess Bride Cookbook, The Parks and Recreation Cookbook, All in the Family: The Show that Changed Television, Drag: Combing Through the Big Wigs of Show Business, The Con-a-Sutra, Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting, The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book, Zombies on Film: The Definitive Story of Undead Cinema, Stuck on Star Trek, and The Princess Bride: A Celebration. He has edited monographs of the work and lives of award winning icons Charles Busch, Bill Plympton and Ralph Bakshi.


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